Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Artist and the Life Style Juice Cleanse Conclusion

My 6 day juice cleanse commitment has concluded and I emerge as a new being. I think about my journey through this life and how it is so easy to have little restraint and discipline. Once we get to the age where we believe we can make our own decisions and in some way or another provide for ourselves, we become less careful and more careless. As if our whole lives was spent in a prison that we opposed. The truth most likely being that we much rather let whats best for us in our heart of hearts stand by the waste side as we let our inner child out to wreak havoc on any and everything in it's path. Only, the majority of us experience the same awakening all but at different times, that we really should have listened to our better judgement or that of those that had our best interest in mind. The body needs balance. The mind needs peace. The heart needs oxygen and we need a system in place that will allow every other system to run smoothly. I said all of this to say that after my juice cleanse, I take the oath to get back in line and listen to the lessons of those that came before me. Anything unnatural, will remain unnatural in the body. The closer you get to nature, the closer you get to balance. Some of us have been conditioned since child hood to eat hot dogs and tv dinners. It would be such a drastic change for us to stop now. But, the time to stop is now because the cool thing about us is that our body has the ability to restore balance. Bad habits can be broken, addictions can be fought and overcome. People of today can become totally different people of tomorrow. Exercise your body and educate your mind. The lifestyle Juice cleanse reignited my past desire for the health conscience and now it is my duty to ignite yours. www.lifestylejuicecleanse.com

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pics from my LJC Experience

Phoenyx Novelle and the LifeStyle Juice Cleanse Countdown!!!!

The LJC Countdown... The End of Day # 4 was absolutely the most turbulent and uncomfortable of them all so far. The way that I felt really caught me off guard. I was rushing out the door of my apartment around 10:15pm. I had just stuffed bottle # 5 and bottle # 6 of LJC into my duffle bag and chose to take the stairs down to the cab that was waiting for me since the elevators were many floors away. I was terrified of having to call another cab so I pretty much flew down 5 flights of stairs and out of the door just in time before the cabbie’s patience got the best of him. I sat in the vehicle as it drove away and I was filled with relief and confidence. I am the band leader of my group and the last thing I need is to be a bad example by showing up late. Suddenly it hit me: Naesuea, Dizziness, fatigue and a splitting headache all at once. I’m not the kind who experiences headaches often so that was the most perplexing of all. I was also mystified at the fact that I wasn’t even having hunger pains at all in the midst of everything else. I asked the taxi driver to slow down and he was peeved because he wasn’t even gong fast to begin with. I was. I never suffered from motion sickness but what I was going through had me trying to rule out everything known to man. My first reaction was to drink something, anything. Luckily I had my #5 LifeStyle Juice Cleanse “MEAN GREEN”. I drank, and then laid down in the back of the taxi like I was a mummy in a coffin. I thought if I did this, my body would return to its original state of peace and tranquility. This did provide temporary relief. I arrived at my job and my colleagues couldn’t help but notice how off I was. They asked me if I fell down or if I didn’t get enough sleep because I seemed like I wasn’t fully myself at times. As I stated before, I do everything with Passion. Performing on stage is my biggest joy of all and after my 1st show of the night I had to find something to fix myself fast. I was so afraid of passing out that I didn’t really move at all and everyone immediately knew the Phoenyx wasn’t in flight tonight. I finished the # 5 bottle, then had a close friend find me some cucumbers and vegetable broth (on the cheat sheet approval list) (which wasn’t hard to find at 12am in Nana soi 11) and then I tried to muster up the energy and motivation I needed to not compromise my health nor my performance. I closed my eyes after I had my snack and by the time for set # 2, I was literally back to my old self again. The beginning of Day # 5 was much less volatile than my previous nights experience. I did notice that, I was not going to the bathroom as often as I was in the earlier days and I guess I attributed that to my decision to invite the solid veggies back into my system. I spent most of the 5th day trying not to use too much energy. I took the elevator up and down and I walked instead of ran. I even refrained from moving heavy objects in my apartment so the chances of exhaustion stayed minimal. The hunger pains became more frequent. I was idle and I allowed my thoughts to entertain the foods that weren’t any good for me yesterday, today or any day. Through it all, I survived. I did not allow myself to quit or give up. I slept, I drank water and continued the regiment of the LJC. I knew I only had one more day after this so why give up now. I also had to face the hard reality that just because I wasn’t eating beef, chicken and pork before this cleanse, didn’t mean that it would be any easier for me to follow through. I wasn’t always making smart choices and I often forgot about my regiment while moving about and doing other things. This is what lead to my exhaustion on the eve of day #4. Sighing..... off......Phoenyx Novelle.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

"LJC" DAY # 4 Has arrived quite pleasantly:-)

Day # 4 with LJC.... I woke up this morning well rested from a long nights work. I wasn’t very hungry because of the LJC # 6 Goodnight milk I drank before I turned off and went to bed. I must confess that last night I found myself skimming over the Lifestyle Juice cleanse pdf reading the “what you can eat if you cheat” section. I hate to say it but I was so afraid of passing out on stage or not being energetic enough for my show, that I might have had a small piece of avocado. I felt a bit guilty so I quickly wrapped up the rest and tucked it in the very back of my refrigerator. Not to make excuses, but I’m already quite thin and since my colleagues have seen me carrying around LJC bottles frequently and turning down lunch and dinner group hang- outs, they’ve been more than a bit concerned about this new juice cleanse I’m on. I guess I have been too because there have been moments of low energy that I immediately attributed to the LJC I’m doing. However, I know that’s not true. I know that with LJC I’m getting all the vitamins and nutrients I need, it’s just that my body wants the bad things that it shouldn’t have. Candy, pizza, milkshakes, fried fish etc. Even though I don’t eat meat, I still have had some very bad junk food habits that I know I need to grow out of. This has not been easy but quitting is simply not an option. I guess I just need to vent and let you readers hear all of my fleeting thoughts and passing emotions. My show was great last night so that put me in high spirits and now, having a successful performance and a new health regiment in place, is all I need in the land of smiles. Today is not a hustle and bustle day for me thank goodness. The plan is to start my day with LJC, get a back and shoulder massage that I so desperately need right now and work from home on paperwork. I find the temptation is higher to cheat on the LJC when I am among friends who are enjoying the foods I can’t have. Today is all about me and I’m rolling solo for a change. Catch you guys later with more updates.

Phoenyx Novelle's Day # 4 on the LifeStyle Juice Cleanse

Day # 4 with LJC.... I woke up this morning well rested from a long nights work. I wasn’t very hungry because of the LJC # 6 Goodnight milk I drank before I turned off and went to bed. I must confess that last night I found myself skimming over the Lifestyle Juice cleanse pdf reading the “what you can eat if you cheat” section. I hate to say it but I was so afraid of passing out on stage or not being energetic enough for my show, that I might have had a small piece of avocado. I felt a bit guilty so I quickly wrapped up the rest and tucked it in the very back of my refrigerator. Not to make excuses, but I’m already quite thin and since my colleagues have seen me carrying around LJC bottles frequently and turning down lunch and dinner group hang- outs, they’ve been more than a bit concerned about this new juice cleanse I’m on. I guess I have been too because there have been moments of low energy that I immediately attributed to the LJC I’m doing. However, I know that’s not true. I know that with LJC I’m getting all the vitamins and nutrients I need, it’s just that my body wants the bad things that it shouldn’t have. Candy, pizza, milkshakes, fried fish etc. Even though I don’t eat meat, I still have had some very bad junk food habits that I know I need to grow out of. This has not been easy but quitting is simply not an option. I guess I just need to vent and let you readers hear all of my fleeting thoughts and passing emotions. My show was great last night so that put me in high spirits and now, having a successful performance and a new health regiment in place, is all I need in the land of smiles. Today is not a hustle and bustle day for me thank goodness. The plan is to start my day with LJC, get a back and shoulder massage that I so desperately need right now and work from home on paperwork. I find the temptation is higher to cheat on the LJC when I am among friends who are enjoying the foods I can’t have. Today is all about me and I’m rolling solo for a change. Catch you guys later with more updates:-)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Lifestyle Juice Cleanse Experience: DAY # 3 with LJC

My Lifestyle Juice Cleanse Experience: DAY # 3 with LJC: So, it's Day 3 and......Im hungry. If I said I wasn't I would simply be lying. The Lifestyle Juice Cleanse still has me excited but ...